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Mikisew Cree, Frog Lake begin litigation against omnibus bills

Less than a month after pledging at an Idle No More rally in Edmonton that the Mikisew Cree First Nation will fight the federal government on its lack of consultation, Chief Steve Courtoreille has made good on his promise.

On Jan. 8, the Mikisew Cree joined forces with Frog Lake First Nation and filed papers in the federal court in Ottawa for an application for a judicial review of omnibus Bills C-38 and C-45, alleging the federal government failed to meet its constitutional duty to consult.

Bellegarde calls on Spence to “walk with us” and end fast

Online Exclusive
Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief and Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Grand Chief Perry Bellegarde is urging Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence to end her hunger strike.

“We hold up the fasters … but I think their work is done,” said Bellegarde. “They’ve helped shine a light on how Canada deals with treaty, lack of treaty implementation, lack of resource revenue sharing.”

Papaschase First Nation intend to block the QEII Hwy south of Edmonton...

Members of the Papaschase First Nation have proceeded with their announced plans to block the QE II Highway Wednesday afternoon near their former reserve in south Edmonton. On January 16th the blockade began as scheduled at 1:00 p.m. and will continue until 3:00 p.m. The blockade is near Gateway Park, which enables vehicles caught in the blockade the opportunity to turn around.
There were several incidents reported of vehicles driving into the roadside ditch to bypass the blockade. Another report was made that one vehicle was in an altercation with protesters.

Blockades planned for Hwy 63 near Fort McMurray called off

Press Statement From Chief Allan Adam regarding Highway 63 Roadblocks

January 15, 2013 – Fort McMurray, AB – In the wake of Idle No More and the AFN’s calls for blockades, peaceful protests and a stall of the Canadian economy Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) has made waves with talk of potential long term blockades in Northern Alberta.