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Papaschase First Nation intend to block the QEII Hwy south of Edmonton...

Article Origin


Sweetgrass Staff







Members of the Papaschase First Nation have proceeded with their announced plans to block the QE II Highway Wednesday afternoon near their former reserve in south Edmonton. On January 16th the blockade began as scheduled at 1:00 p.m. and will continue until 3:00 p.m. The blockade is near Gateway Park, which enables vehicles caught in the blockade the opportunity to turn around.
There were several incidents reported of vehicles driving into the roadside ditch to bypass the blockade. Another report was made that one vehicle was in an altercation with protesters.

Police had set up roadblocks just north and south of the blockade location in order to divert traffic and avoid further altercations.


Photo gallery of blockade:


Video of drummers at blockade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flZt2_qYj8I