Welcome to AMMSA.COM, the news archive website for our family of Indigenous news publications.

Short term pain equals long term financial gain

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Smart financial planning involves three basic steps that everyone should know and put into practice to build a secure future. That is the advice of Vic DeLaet, owner of DeLaet Financial Services and CEO of Turtle Island Financial Corporation in Regina.

"What I find over my last 12 years of experience in this field," says DeLaet, "is that a lot of people just don't plan for anything. They work paycheque to paycheque. They're busy paying their bills. They never set down the time necessary to do some long-range planning."

Portrait of Chelsey Dillon - Fancy shawl dancer and beadworker

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Life on the powwow trail can be fun - especially when your dad is a well- known arena director at some of the biggest powwows in Canada.

As a junior dancer, you also get to travel a lot in the summer, to see different towns and reserves and meet tons of other kids - kids just like yourself - out following the powwow trail with their moms, dads, brothers and sisters.

Portrait of Chelsey Dillon - Fancy shawl dancer and beadworker

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Life on the powwow trail can be fun - especially when your dad is a well- known arena director at some of the biggest powwows in Canada.

As a junior dancer, you also get to travel a lot in the summer, to see different towns and reserves and meet tons of other kids - kids just like yourself - out following the powwow trail with their moms, dads, brothers and sisters.

Regina man signed to Filipino professional basketball team

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It's another dream come true for Chris Lafontaine of Regina. Lafontaine has been named to the Negros Slashers, a pro basketball team with the Metropolitan Basketball Association (MBA) in the Philippines. The opportunity to play pro ball came just as the accomplished 21-year-old was finishing a two-year commitment as a missionary in the Philippines.

Regina man signed to Filipino professional basketball team

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It's another dream come true for Chris Lafontaine of Regina. Lafontaine has been named to the Negros Slashers, a pro basketball team with the Metropolitan Basketball Association (MBA) in the Philippines. The opportunity to play pro ball came just as the accomplished 21-year-old was finishing a two-year commitment as a missionary in the Philippines.

Looking forward to the year 2000

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Welcome to the year 2000. It's the new millennium and you are

reading the "critically acclaimed" Youth 2K column. I must

say, that in the past year, I have learned many things while

writing for Sage. For example, I've become a better critic.

I've also improved on my humor as well as my reporting, all

thanks to the people at AMMSA.

1999 was a great year, I finally got my magazine Gen-X off

the ground, and available to the world @ www.gx-online.com.

Looking forward to the year 2000

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Welcome to the year 2000. It's the new millennium and you are

reading the "critically acclaimed" Youth 2K column. I must

say, that in the past year, I have learned many things while

writing for Sage. For example, I've become a better critic.

I've also improved on my humor as well as my reporting, all

thanks to the people at AMMSA.

1999 was a great year, I finally got my magazine Gen-X off

the ground, and available to the world @ www.gx-online.com.

Recovering our identities

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I was nosing around my wife's papers the other day. She'd left them on the kitchen table. She was reading a book manuscript about recovering identity as Native women. I read about the fact that, in many nations, it was the women who distributed the foods. When I questioned my wife, she was quick to point out that Iroquois women in fact "owned" the lands and worked the fields. This really got me to thinking.