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Sex offender's statutory release opposed by community

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Several community leaders spoke at a press conference on Dec. 18 which was called to bring attention to the release of Ralph Rowe from Mountain Prison.

Rowe spent the last four years at the British Columbia federal correctional facility after being sentenced to a six-year term for sexual assault.

Federal law required that inmates be granted parole after serving two-thirds of their sentence, but United Native Nations President Viola Thomas is worried that a man with a history sexually molesting Native boys has been released into her community.

Agreement benefits preschool and its students

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Cuts to education funding have forced schools to adopt some radical measures such as corporate sponsorship or worse, cutting programs, courses or support services.

But a group of parents and staff at Vancouver's Macdonald School have formed a non-profit society that has been extremely successful in raising money for program development - and implementing these programs. The society recently signed an agreement with the Britannia Community Services Centre that will bolster programming even more.

Now they know how it feels

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I had a lot of trouble understanding all the noise about the Musqueam band's leasing deal in the mainstream press this month.

A number of mainstream press pundits have taken on the task of championing the cause of the leaseholders, mostly well-to-do non-Native seniors who, by taking advantage of a bargain created by a massive, illegal and immoral land theft, were able to build very nice homes on reserve land which they leased for years for the absurdly low price (for pricey downtown Vancouver) of less than a dollar a day.

Fight violence together, man says

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Dear Editor,

If you'll allow a freckled-skin white boy psychologist to write - hear me.

About the article by Brigette Parker on Family violence myths destroyed. Why is it that we have six-woman panels to mark woman assault prevention month because "violence in the family is a fundamental human rights issue for women and children" when it is mostly men who are violent and destructive?