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Oka vet water polo national

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She emerged from Oka as a 14-year-old Mohawk with a bloodied body, a

wounded spirit, and a battered soul. Today, six years later, a scar

marks the spot where a soldier stabbed her in the chest with a bayonet

as she left the Oka barricades. But deeper scars, the emotional ones

inside her heart, have healed.

With the help of family, friends and her love of sports, Waneek

Horn-Miller has blossomed into a world-class athlete, a dedicated

student and a role model for native youth. Her ordeal at Oka became the

Oka vet water polo national

Page 16

She emerged from Oka as a 14-year-old Mohawk with a bloodied body, a

wounded spirit, and a battered soul. Today, six years later, a scar

marks the spot where a soldier stabbed her in the chest with a bayonet

as she left the Oka barricades. But deeper scars, the emotional ones

inside her heart, have healed.

With the help of family, friends and her love of sports, Waneek

Horn-Miller has blossomed into a world-class athlete, a dedicated

student and a role model for native youth. Her ordeal at Oka became the

Oka vet water polo national

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She emerged from Oka as a 14-year-old Mohawk with a bloodied body, a

wounded spirit, and a battered soul. Today, six years later, a scar

marks the spot where a soldier stabbed her in the chest with a bayonet

as she left the Oka barricades. But deeper scars, the emotional ones

inside her heart, have healed.

With the help of family, friends and her love of sports, Waneek

Horn-Miller has blossomed into a world-class athlete, a dedicated

student and a role model for native youth. Her ordeal at Oka became the

Young actress wants more than Hollywood's stereotypes

Page 14

Even though Los Angels is home for now, home is where the heart is and

for 15-year-old Crystle Lightning, that is the Enoch First Nation in

Alberta. When Crystle left the reserve eight years ago, one could say

she was already a seasoned traveller. At the ripe old age of four,

Crystle started as a model doing catalogue work out of Edmonton. By the

age of 10, she was traveling across Canada doing bridal shows.

Since arriving in Los Angeles, Crystle has appeared in five films and

Young actress wants more than Hollywood's stereotypes

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Even though Los Angels is home for now, home is where the heart is and

for 15-year-old Crystle Lightning, that is the Enoch First Nation in

Alberta. When Crystle left the reserve eight years ago, one could say

she was already a seasoned traveller. At the ripe old age of four,

Crystle started as a model doing catalogue work out of Edmonton. By the

age of 10, she was traveling across Canada doing bridal shows.

Since arriving in Los Angeles, Crystle has appeared in five films and

Young actress wants more than Hollywood's stereotypes

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Even though Los Angels is home for now, home is where the heart is and

for 15-year-old Crystle Lightning, that is the Enoch First Nation in

Alberta. When Crystle left the reserve eight years ago, one could say

she was already a seasoned traveller. At the ripe old age of four,

Crystle started as a model doing catalogue work out of Edmonton. By the

age of 10, she was traveling across Canada doing bridal shows.

Since arriving in Los Angeles, Crystle has appeared in five films and

Heavy metal influences apparent in new release

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Dead Issue

by Breach of Trust

Rockin' Rod Records.

Saskatoon's Breach of Trust delivers a thorough thrashing of bass-laced

grunge-metal that pummels your speakers until they collapse from

exhaustion. Breach's playing and song writing abilities sem second

nature but are influenced by a variety of rock and heavy-metal mentors.

Their lyrics convey a sense of awareness of the cause and effects of

colonialism and its resulting internalization of aggression.

Heavy metal influences apparent in new release

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Dead Issue

by Breach of Trust

Rockin' Rod Records.

Saskatoon's Breach of Trust delivers a thorough thrashing of bass-laced

grunge-metal that pummels your speakers until they collapse from

exhaustion. Breach's playing and song writing abilities sem second

nature but are influenced by a variety of rock and heavy-metal mentors.

Their lyrics convey a sense of awareness of the cause and effects of

colonialism and its resulting internalization of aggression.

Heavy metal influences apparent in new release

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Dead Issue

by Breach of Trust

Rockin' Rod Records.

Saskatoon's Breach of Trust delivers a thorough thrashing of bass-laced

grunge-metal that pummels your speakers until they collapse from

exhaustion. Breach's playing and song writing abilities sem second

nature but are influenced by a variety of rock and heavy-metal mentors.

Their lyrics convey a sense of awareness of the cause and effects of

colonialism and its resulting internalization of aggression.

National Film Board Studio One cancelled

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On March 31, the National Film Board cancelled funding for its

Aboriginal film making body, Studio One.

Studio One was headquartered in Edmonton, and had been set up to enable

Aboriginal film makers to tell their own stories. It helped train film

makers and funded the production of some films.

Gravdon McRae, Executive Producer for the film board's North West

Centre, explained that the program was cancelled as part of a rethinking

of how the National Film Board could best serve Aboriginal film makers.