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Voting becomes harder to do for First Nations

Changes to be implemented for the upcoming federal election could be a double-edged sword for Aboriginal voters.

“It’s going to put up a few more barriers and make it more difficult for First Nations people to … exercise their opportunity to vote,” said Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde.

Bill C-23, dubbed the Fair Elections Act, has changed the requirements for identification at the polling station. One individual can no longer vouch for a number of voters, a common practise employed by many Aboriginal voters.

Nations at the table on Mount Polley review

The British Columbia government will be moving ahead with all seven recommendations that have come from a panel investigation into the Mount Polley breach.

The announcement is welcomed by Xat’sull First Nation and Williams Lake Indian Band, who were impacted when the open pit gold and copper mine owned by Imperial Metals Corp. released 24 million cubic metres of wastewater into nearby streams and lakes on Aug. 4, 2014.

Treaty people hunting to care for less fortunate

Donations of elk by First Nations hunters to food banks and shelters in northern Saskatchewan harken back to the days when young men hunted and provided meat for all band members.

“This is the way I was taught, ever since I killed my first animal when I was nine years old,” said Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Vice-Chief Bobby Cameron. “Take a little piece for yourself, but give the rest out.”

Grief and anger over injustice simmers under surface

Canada’s missing and murdered Indigenous women were commemorated with a Strawberry Ceremony on Valentine’s Day.

The ceremony, held at Toronto Police Headquarters at Yonge and College streets, celebrated its tenth anniversary. More than 800 people gathered to pray, sing and remember the thousand-plus daughters, sisters, mothers and aunties whose lives were cut short by violence.

Helyna Rivera, a Mohawk woman from Six Nations, was murdered in Buffalo on Aug. 10, 2011. Last year, her killer was sentenced to 25 years by a Buffalo court.

Children still falling through cracks of jurisdiction

A study recently released by the Jordan Principle’s working group underscores the need for the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to take a strong stand against the federal government for the less-than-adequate care it provides status First Nations children.

The decision by the tribunal in the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations v. Attorney General of Canada is expected by mid-April.

But until then, First Nations children continue to lose out.

Amber Alert: Kayla Natomagan from Lac La Ronge First Nation Saskatchewan

February 18, 2015

UPDATE - Amber Alert has been cancelled as Kayla has been found safe.

Manhunt for alleged abductor continues.

Police report there was a fatal shooting of an adult male during the abduction.

Suspect is Jonas Budd. May be driving gray 2001 GMC Sierra  license number 043 JEZ - please see attached photo.

Manhunt for alleged abductor continues.

UPDATE - Amber Alert has been cancelled as Kayla has been found safe.

Changes on Alberta political landscape

Two of Alberta’s three opposition parties are looking for new leaders. The next leader of the decimated Wildrose will be selected by party members from across Alberta on June 6 in Calgary. “Our party is strong, united and ready to give Albertans a real, principled, grassroots and fiscally conservative option at the ballot box,” said Wildrose Party President Jeff Callaway.  Wildrose leader Danielle Smith joined the Progressive Conservatives in December, taking with her nine MLAs, dropping the Wildrose to five sitting members.

Exploration of Cold Lake oil sands

Cold Lake area Chiefs and the First Nations exploration company Keyano Pimee Exploration Company Limited are in advanced negotiations with Indus Energy NL (formerly Quest Petroleum) to farm in to 82,290 acres of Cold Lake oil sands. Once the joint operations agreement is signed, Indus will begin Phase 1 of the work program which will consist of low cost re-entry of four historic wells in areas where oil has been encountered during gas production activities on KPECL lands.