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Two of Alberta’s three opposition parties are looking for new leaders. The next leader of the decimated Wildrose will be selected by party members from across Alberta on June 6 in Calgary. “Our party is strong, united and ready to give Albertans a real, principled, grassroots and fiscally conservative option at the ballot box,” said Wildrose Party President Jeff Callaway. Wildrose leader Danielle Smith joined the Progressive Conservatives in December, taking with her nine MLAs, dropping the Wildrose to five sitting members. Calgary-Fish Creek MLA Heather Forsyth took over as interim leader for Wildrose. Alberta Liberal leader Raj Sherman notified his caucus and party executive on Jan. 26 that he would not seek a third term as MLA for Edmonton-Meadowlark and that he was giving up party leadership now so the necessary preparations can be made prior to the next provincial election. “I am stepping aside as leader so that the team can continue to move forward,” said Sherman. He has served as leader since 2011. As well, effective Feb. 1, Cabinet ministers took a five per cent pay cut. “While work on our overall budget challenges is ongoing, Albertans are clearly telling us that they expect their political representatives to be part of the solution. All members of cabinet understand how crucial it is to lead by example, and for political representatives not to ask anyone to accept any measure we would not accept ourselves,” said Premier Jim Prentice in a statement.