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Saskatchewan Sage

Saskatchewan Sage

Launched in 1996. A news publication specifically designed to serve the Indigenous people of Saskatchewan.

  • February 24, 2001
  • Stephen LaRose, Sage Writer, OKANESE FIRST NATION

Page 2

A member of the Okanese First Nation is one of eight young Canadians to receive a prestigious journalism scholarship from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Connie Walker, a student at Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, will receive one of eight Joan Donaldson Newsworld Scholarships offered by CBC Newsworld.

Walker gets a four-month summer job working at CBC…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Stephen LaRose, Sage Writer, OKANESE FIRST NATION

Page 2

A member of the Okanese First Nation is one of eight young Canadians to receive a prestigious journalism scholarship from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Connie Walker, a student at Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, will receive one of eight Joan Donaldson Newsworld Scholarships offered by CBC Newsworld.

Walker gets a four-month summer job working at CBC…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, PRINCE ALBERT

Page 2

With the need to improve provision of education to Aboriginal students being acknowledged by educators across the country, many jurisdictions are now taking long, hard looks at what needs to be done. In some jurisdictions, however, the need was recognized many years ago, and initiatives aimed at Native students are already entrenched and ongoing.

One of those…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, PRINCE ALBERT

Page 2

With the need to improve provision of education to Aboriginal students being acknowledged by educators across the country, many jurisdictions are now taking long, hard looks at what needs to be done. In some jurisdictions, however, the need was recognized many years ago, and initiatives aimed at Native students are already entrenched and ongoing.

One of those…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Trina Gobert, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 1

In a solid move toward self-governance, Saskatchewan First Nations have taken a significant step away from the Indian Act.

On May 27 the federal government, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) and the province signed a new agreements that are intended to move First Nations toward self-government.

"We always say we are treaty Indians, and First…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Trina Gobert, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 1

In a solid move toward self-governance, Saskatchewan First Nations have taken a significant step away from the Indian Act.

On May 27 the federal government, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) and the province signed a new agreements that are intended to move First Nations toward self-government.

"We always say we are treaty Indians, and First…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Yvonne Irene Gladue, Sage Writer, KAMSACK

Page 1

The treaty day celebrations for the Cote First Nation on May 19 was not just about celebrating the signing of Treaty 4. This year the community also held a panel where 12 treaty issues were presented and discussed. The issues were on hunting, fishing, education, child welfare, concepts of treaties, treatment of war veterans, health, employment, funding and taxation. The panel was…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Yvonne Irene Gladue, Sage Writer, KAMSACK

Page 1

The treaty day celebrations for the Cote First Nation on May 19 was not just about celebrating the signing of Treaty 4. This year the community also held a panel where 12 treaty issues were presented and discussed. The issues were on hunting, fishing, education, child welfare, concepts of treaties, treatment of war veterans, health, employment, funding and taxation. The panel was…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, SASKATOON

Page 14

Aboriginal youth from across the province of Saskatchewan will have a chance to learn more about career choices available to them during a First Nations youth career symposium to be held in Saskatoon from May 10 to 11.

Leadership: Choices 2000+ is a joint venture of the Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) Urban First Nation Services Inc. and the Federation of Saskatchewan…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, SASKATOON

Page 14

Aboriginal youth from across the province of Saskatchewan will have a chance to learn more about career choices available to them during a First Nations youth career symposium to be held in Saskatoon from May 10 to 11.

Leadership: Choices 2000+ is a joint venture of the Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) Urban First Nation Services Inc. and the Federation of Saskatchewan…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Stan Bartlett, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 12

With its first major television production, Heartbeat of the Earth, Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) has signaled that it has successfully made the transition to television from a 15-year history of Aboriginal radio programming.

This winter the 13-part, half-hour series was broadcast on Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) and is still being run nationally on…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Stan Bartlett, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 12

With its first major television production, Heartbeat of the Earth, Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) has signaled that it has successfully made the transition to television from a 15-year history of Aboriginal radio programming.

This winter the 13-part, half-hour series was broadcast on Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) and is still being run nationally on…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Paul Barnsley, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 11

Tony Merchant sees a pattern in the actions of Department of Justice lawyers as they deal with residential school damage claims and, if the Regina lawyer's charges are accurate, school survivors should know they're under attack.

Published reports in mid-February revealed that the RCMP has been forced to go to court to regain or keep control of records of criminal…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Paul Barnsley, Sage Writer, REGINA

Page 11

Tony Merchant sees a pattern in the actions of Department of Justice lawyers as they deal with residential school damage claims and, if the Regina lawyer's charges are accurate, school survivors should know they're under attack.

Published reports in mid-February revealed that the RCMP has been forced to go to court to regain or keep control of records of criminal…

  • February 24, 2001
  • Pamela Sexsmith, Sage Writer, TORONTO

Page 10

She has carved out a colorful and demanding life in the bright lights of Toronto's theatre community - been given a wonderful opportunity to teach young Aboriginal people to sing, dance, act and find their own cultural voice.

Fulfilling a lifelong ambition, she has also been given a "big chance to give back."

"Who could ask for anything more?" asked Cree actress…