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Career symposium lets youth tap into job market

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Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, SASKATOON







Page 14

Aboriginal youth from across the province of Saskatchewan will have a chance to learn more about career choices available to them during a First Nations youth career symposium to be held in Saskatoon from May 10 to 11.

Leadership: Choices 2000+ is a joint venture of the Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) Urban First Nation Services Inc. and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

More than 3,000 Native youth from across Saskatchewan are expected to take part in the symposium. The event is designed for students from Grade 6 to Grade 12, providing them an opportunity to learn more about their career options.

The symposium will provide those in attendance with information about career opportunities in a number of high growth industries, including forestry, computer and telecommunications technology, science, health, transportation, mining, the public service, the armed forces, policing, trade apprenticeship, and tourism. Representatives from post-secondary institutions are also scheduled to take part.

The symposium will feature informative workshops, as well as interactive trade show exhibits designed to get participants involved.

Vice Chief Morley Watson of the FSIN spoke of the important role the youth career symposium will play in preparing Native youth for the future.

"As the new millennium approaches, the leadership of the FSIN feels strongly that in order for First Nations youth to take advantage of career and business opportunities on First Nations lands or, in order to fully participate in the mainstream economy, youth must learn the skills required in a knowledge based economy," Watson said. "Our leadership is aware of the skills shortage in industries that we have not tapped into in the past. We have a window of opportunity and we want the symposium, as one vehicle, to communicate to our people the vast array of very good career options."

Those views were echoed by Joe Quewezance, tribal chief of the Saskatoon Tribal Council.

"We know that if we can provide the latest labor market information to our youth and encourage them to stay in school, study math and sciences, that their career options and income earning power will increase substantially," Quewezance said. "This forum will benefit our youth who are Saskatchewan's next wave of entrants into the labor market. It will also benefit the education and training institutions and employers who are committed to developing a truly representative workforce."

There is no charge for registration for the youth career symposium. Registrations will be accepted up to a week before the event.

The symposium will be held at Saskatoon Prairieland Exhibition Park.

For more information or to register for the symposium, contact Visions Marketing Incorporated at (306) 934-4706, or toll-free at 1-877-772-7790.