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Getting its "house in order" and "restoring Aboriginal rights" are two of the prominent concerns that the Native Council of Canada (Alberta) at West Edmonton Mall's Fantasyland Hotel on Feb 27, Sinclair accused government of "undermining us," and "off-loading policies," that are "denying off-reserve Indians any rights." The off-reserve population, he estimates, ranges anywhere from 50 per cent in Quebec.
Sinclair explained that he has sat with the leaders of the Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit and the Metis, and that this must continue. They must act collectively if they are to find strength in their struggles. He went on to stage: "Our organization was brought about by neglect" of the people and their rights, racism, government attitudes, not being recognized in the constitution and dire poverty. In effect he added, we are under "a government who doesn't care."
If First Nations and Aboriginal groups are to enjoy any kind of success in gaining or regaining their rights, we need to "throw our differences aside." One positive for the national body, he said, is that it has managed to lower what was very close to one-million-dollar deficit "to about 70,000 dollars."
Provincial President Doris Ronnenburg concurred.
In office for the past 13 years, she has seen very little progress for off-reserve Indians and there are so many who have been landless for decades. With regard to the latter, there are cases in the courts at this time, one being the Twinn versus Native Council of Canada (Alberta) case, which she figures will take anywhere from another "two to two-and-a-half years" to resolve. She was also highly critical of the government's attempt to alert 52 parts of the Indian Act, which, it is felt, will very seriously jeopardize any possibilities for off-reserve Indian rights.
The conference also addressed universal suffrage in voting, the financial picture, a few other outstanding court cases, Bill C-75- which deals with the Land Management Act ? the First Nations Money Management Act, and other resolutions.