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Alberta Regional Chief George Stanley is challenging incumbent Shawn Atleo – and six others – for the position of National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations.
It’s about the importance of treaty, says Stanley, and Atleo, who has completed his first term in the position as leader of the national organization, does not understand that.
“I’m very deep-rooted in treaties. I understand the sacredness and the power of treaties,” said Stanley. “I’m very concerned as how our treaties are eroded by the federal government…. As our Elders say today, treaties are non-negotiable. So I am standing beside that word of our Elders.”
Stanley says he and a number of chiefs from the prairies were disappointed by Atleo’s stand at the First Nations-Crown gathering which took place in January.
“We were hoping that our National Chief would prioritize our treaties, how we want to implement them. It was very upsetting, and many leaders that I went with, from Alberta, even from the Prairies, said (Atleo’s) message wasn’t that the (treaties) were the first priority,” said Stanley, a former Chief and band councillor with Frog Lake First Nation.
Treaties, coupled with natural resource sharing, are the first of four pillars that make up Stanley’s platform.
The second pillar is economic development, including First Nations jurisdiction in gaming. Stanley has years of experience in economic development. After leaving a 10-and-a-half-year career with the RCMP because of health issues, Stanley became a self-employed small businessman, undertaking consultation work with First Nations to develop their economic base. From that work, Stanley realized the importance of partnerships in the development of the oil and gas industry on Frog Lake, which is one of a handful of First Nations to operate its own energy company, as well as the need to invest profits for the future so revenue is available in times of hardship, such as federal funding cutbacks.
The third pillar is mineral, energy and pipeline development on traditional lands.
The fourth pillar is a myriad of national issues such as crime, youth, education, safe water and adequate housing. Stanley notes that he has held the justice portfolio for AFN, which includes advancing the cause of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls.
Stanley is critical of what he sees as the AFN’s role as a reactionary organization.
“We need the AFN to be more proactive. We need it to take action,” he said, noting that as far as he is concerned the AFN is spread “too thin,” taking on too many issues and “the capacity is not there.”
“We’re not making any headway as promised by our National Chief. I’m always looking forward every day to when it’s going to be happening, what actions are going to be taken,” he said.
Also challenging Atleo are Bill Erasmus, chief of the Dene Nation and AFN Regional Chief of the Northwest Territories; Elaine Gabriel, former president of the Quebec Native Women’s Association; Manitoba lawyer Joan Jack; Diane M. Kelly, former Grand Chief of Treaty 3; former Manitoba Chief Terrance Nelson; and Ryerson professor Pamela Palmater. Nelson is the only candidate in the running to have challenged Atleo in 2009 when Atleo became National Chief. Atleo’s election took eight ballots and 23 hours and only ended when Perry Bellegarde conceded defeat. Atleo had 58 per cent of the vote; he needed 60 per cent to be declared leader.
The country’s 633 AFN-member First Nations Chiefs or their proxies will cast their votes on July 18, the second day of the three-day Annual General Assembly in Toronto.