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Ekaya Pihtwaw, a tobacco cessation project launched by the Samson Cree Nation, aims to prevent the use of tobacco among young people and adults; protect from exposure to second hand tobacco smoke; promote cessation among smokers; and provide education and support to those who smoke to help them quit. Ekaya Pihtwaw is working with the First Nation communities of Samson, Montana, Louis Bull, Ermineskin and Pigeon Lake. Between February and April of 2015, a survey conducted by the project of 839 adults and 52 youth determined that 45 per cent of the adult population smoked daily and 28 per cent smoked occasionally while 13 per cent of the youth (under 18) smoked daily and 22 per cent smoked occasionally. As well, 55 per cent of the current adult smokers started smoking when they were between the ages of 13 and 16 years, so a priority of the project is to focus on prevention activities for children and youth. Ekaya Pihtwaw is funded by the First Nation and Inuit Health, Federal Tobacco Control Strategy.