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Bernadine Grant of Edmonton learned Sept. 20 that she had won a $3,000 scholarship from Xerox Canada Ltd.
The money is enabling her to pursue an advanced education in the field of information technology.
Grant, a Metis who already holds a psychology degree, is one of eight students receiving support from Xerox Canada's annual Aboriginal scholarship program. She is in her first year at the University of Alberta where she is pursuing studies in management information systems.
Grant has worked for Nechi Institute in St. Albert, an Aboriginal health promotion organization, as a communications officer in their information systems department. Grant enjoyed working with communications and information systems technology there as it helped her define her career goals.
"Bernadine's hard work and determination are an inspiration to us all," said Cameron Hyde, president of Xerox Canada. "Individuals like her make Xerox Canada proud of its longstanding commitment to the Aboriginal community and particularly of this program that helps Aboriginals thrive in today's technology-focused economy."
Established in 1994, the scholarship program provides financial support for Aboriginal students pursuing studies related to fields such as computer or mathematical sciences, engineering or business administration at a university or college. Each scholarship is awarded for as many as four years for university programs and three years for college programs, provided the recipient is enrolled in his or her program for a subsequent year. Winners were selected by a committee of Xerox Canada executives and Aboriginal leaders who evaluated applicants based on the following criteria:
? Leadership or role model qualities demonstrated through community involvement and extracurricular activities;
? The degree to which the applicant's post-secondary studies will lead to a career in information technology; and
? Academic achievement.
Nursing assistants in high demand
Inna Dansereau, Sweetgrass Writer, Edmonton
Marge Friedel's 90-year-old aunt was ill and was hospitalized for a while. When, to everyone's surprise, Flora Norris got better and went home, she needed home care. She thought she was treated disrespectfully by caregivers so she fired three of them.
"We really treasured her. We decided we needed to bring our culture and teachings to health care, we needed some of our people in there," said Friedel.
Friedel and her daughter Leslie Moncrieff created the Tender Ties Agency to train health care workers in Aboriginal culture in March 1997. "My belief is that we [Aboriginal people] have a lot to offer to the health care industry," Friedel said.
Tender Ties contacted the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and asked if they would combine the nursing assistant program with Aboriginal cultural teachings.
The Metis Women Nursing Assistant/Emergency Responder Training program first ran in the fall of 1997. Norris was not able to see the results: she died a week after the program's start. But every year, a student is given the Flora Norris Memorial Award, said Friedel.
The program runs twice a year for 18 weeks and is unique. No other nursing assistant program includes EMR training and Aboriginal culture, Friedel said. The next intake is in February 2002.
"We have a holistic approach, whereas Western medicine excludes emotional aspects. We try to incorporate traditional medicine with scientific. They are complementary to each other," she said.
Graduate Leanne Wain, who now works at the university hospital, said her co-workers praise the young women from the Tender Ties program for their deep knowledge. "I didn't know a lot about myself and my culture. It (the program) gave me inner peace that I didn't have before," she said. It also gave her a good foundation to build the work on.
Wain said Aboriginal patients come (to the hospital) with the presumption they're left out; they feel uneasy. "Many of them want to take their shoe off and feel the earth. And we can do that. I'd bundle them up and take them outside." Wain said as soon as Native patients relate to her, they feel better and comforted.
The program is restricted to Metis students because the funding is provided by the Metis Nation of Alberta.
It consists of three components: classroom instructions, EMR training, and a practicum at the University of Alberta hospital or at Lynwood Extended care, said Steven Crocker, manager of Aboriginal training projects at NAIT.
Classroom instruction includes standard nursing assistant courses as well as cultural and personal workshops such as spirituality, traditional ceremonies, insight into Aboriginal wisdom and Western scientific knowledge, Metis history, healing in a holistic manner, recognizing the dynamics of grief, and Elder abuse to name a few.
Entrance requirements are limited to Grade 9 English, which is essential for communication, said Crocker. Students must be Metis women 18 years of age or older. During the interview, applicants are asked their reasons for taking the program. They are also warned of unpleasant tasks of the nursing job. "Nursing is not for everyone," said Crocker. It's important to have a good screening of prospective students because then very few drop out, he said.
"The employment rate is 95 per cent because there is a huge demand for nurses. It will take years before the demand is filled," Crocker said.
NAIT has delivered a similar program to some Alberta reserves. On reserves though, the cultural component is not included because the trainees living there already have that; whereas, not all Native people who have grown up in non-Native society are familiar with their culture.
For example, training of 18 students is in process at the Alexis Adult Training Centre. Some people already worked at Alexis Elders' Lodge, but they didn't have a certificate. Now they will gain the recognition and ability to transfer their skills to other places, said the centres principal Sonny Verreault.
He met the students and said the program "looks absolutely contagious. They're excited, they want to learn, and what they learn is really fun."
New program deliveries are scheduled for January at Slave Lake and High Prairie.
Nunavut, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories have also expressed interest in the program, Crocker said.