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Cold Lake First Nation recently signed an agreement to purchase 900 acres from the Samson Cree Nation, which now makes the Denesuline First Nation the largest landowners in the Cold Lake region. Samson Cree Nation held the land for many years. “Cold Lake First Nation is moving forward with economic development plans and our group of companies are doing well. We are investing into tomorrow’s youth and those yet unborn. Our Dene peoples are connected to the land and this purchase of 900 acres will give them much more opportunities. We are so excited to call this new tract of land ours and envision so much potential,” said CLFN Chief Bernice Martial, in a news release. CLFN solely owns and operates Primco Dene group of companies, which provide services in camp services, catering, security, and EMS, and commercial development in the Cold Lake area. Other businesses include Dechen Group of Companies, Tri-Rez, and Nu-nennne-Stantec. The Dene Nation has been successful in also creating business between other Indigenous Nations.