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A lunch-time rally against the proposed Cheviot Mine followed by a benefit performance is being hailed as a success by its organizers and they are promising more to come.
The Dec. 11 rally, in front of the Alberta Environment Protection Office in Edmonton, was to encourage the public to send letters of concern about the proposed Cheviot Mine. Protest organizers said that before the controversial open-pit coal mine can be licensed by the government of Alberta, politicians must address every letter of concern they receive.
"We organized the rally to increase awareness of the huge impact that this mine would cause in the area," explained organizer Dwayne Good Striker, of the Alberta Treaty Nations Environmental Secretariat. "This rally created a situation where the Alberta government has to respond to each and every concerned citizen why they've given this project the green light."
Good Striker said the barrage of letters will hopefully open the government's eyes to the fact that the mine project isn't in the best interests of the people, especially the Native people living close to the proposed site.
Good Striker says the mine site hasn't taken into account the practices of Aboriginal people living near the gates to the Jasper National Park, where the 23 km. long project is slated to be built. The main areas of contention include traditional knowledge for the protection of plant species for herbal remedies, protection of sacred sites for ceremonial use, protection of burial grounds, and the protection of natural resources, including water.
Environmental groups are concerned the $250-million project will pose a serious threat to endangered animals like the grizzly bear. Construction will also alter the headwaters of the McLeod and Cardinal Rivers, possibly affecting the habitat of migratory birds and fish.
Organizers estimated the number of demonstrators at approximately five hundred people in total. That estimate was based on the number of letters demonstrators dropped off.
"It was a very good turnout," said Buff Parry, researcher for the 160 member Smallboy Camp, an Aboriginal community located near the proposed site. "We had anywhere from 35 to 200 people supporting us at any given time throughout the rally."
The rally, which was followed by a benefit dance featuring live entertainment, was organized by the Alberta Treaty Nations Environmental Secretariat, the Smallboy Camp and the Western Canada Wilderness Committee.
"In a lot of provinces there is a big split between Aboriginal and environmental groups," explained Parry. "But here in Alberta, we really work together, almost better than I could have dreamed."
With over 300 tickets sold for the benefits and standing room only, organizers are planning another benefit for the end of February.
Officials with Cardinal River Coals, the mother-company behind the Cheviot project, claim the mine will preserve approximately 450 jobs and create up to 900 temporary construction jobs. It is expected to generate royalties of $122 million over the next 20 years.
The debate over the mine is continuing, in the form of rallies and court actions. Currently, an appeal of the government's approval of the project is underway by local and national groups.
Construction of the new mine is slated for some time in the new year.