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The interest in the Cree Language Instructor Training Program at Maskwachees Cultural College in Hobbema is an indication of the popularity of education mixed with Aboriginal teachings. The program draws students from across Alberta and Saskatchewan to learn basic teaching to full term lesson planning.
More Cree language teachers could come in handy in the upcoming years as more and more, there is a cross-over between main stream learning and traditional teachings.
Maskwachees has strengthened that interest recently by signing an agreement with the Yellowhead Tribal Council's education program.
Starting this September, Maskwachees Cultural College in Hobbema is brokering its university-equivalent courses to the Yellowhead Tribal Council's (YTC) education program, in Edmonton.
Maskwachees has had university transfer courses for 10 years and provides the first two years of Bachelor of Arts, Education and Commerce in an Aboriginal setting.
Courses available for brokering to YTC include psychology, math, indigenous studies and university-level Cree.