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The Alberta Energy Regulator has restricted water withdrawals from the Athabasca River and other water bodies under temporary diversion licences by oil and gas operators because of low flows. Seventy-three temporary water diversion licences held by oil companies this year in Alberta have been suspended, the most since 2002.The AER is also encouraging energy companies to voluntarily reduce consumption in areas with no mandatory restrictions where rivers have lower than normal water levels. Temporary diversion licences are issued for diversion of surface and groundwater for up to a year for uses such as dust control, bridge washing and for drilling oil and gas wells. Jesse Cardinal, co-ordinator of Keepers of the Athabasca, said the restriction doesn’t go far enough as it does not apply to major Athabasca waters users Shell, Syncrude and Suncor. “When the water’s low, it’s already impacting the fish and navigation, so it should apply to all companies,” Cardinal said. She noted that for the first time ever, where there are First Nation and Metis communities further down the Athabasca River, the low water level is making them unable to catch fish or take their boats on the water.