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The Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge along with the Aboriginal Opportunities Employment Centre hosted the 3rd Annual Career and Resource Fair “Creating Opportunities” on Feb. 5. AOEC, which opened its doors in May 2010, has provided employment services to over 800 urban Aboriginal people living in Lethbridge. “Based on the feedback of the people who attended our Job Fair in 2012, many are transitioning into the urban environment and wanted to learn of the various services and programs in Lethbridge to support their move from rural areas, or other cities into Lethbridge. We believe having both employers and community services together will definitely provide added support to individuals attending our Career and Resource Fair at this year’s event,” said Jacinda Weiss, ACL executive director in a news release. The fair involved 60 vendors including employers, educational institutions, employment centres and community services from Lethbridge and surrounding area.