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Now that the weather is much more pleasant and community people are out and about a lot, do take care to "bring 'em back alive." It seems that we always lose some cherished ones to highway and work-related mishaps. Perhaps we could all make a more conscious effort to avoid accidents and keep on smiling this summer.
Morin to release new CD
If one goes back about a dozen years one might recall the country hit song "Cheyenne" that was recorded by Priscilla Morin of Lac La Biche. Well, Morin, who once won Radio CFCW's prestigious Star Search Talent Contest at Edmonton's Cook County Saloon is back on track. She's been writing and singing and is set to release her new CD, "Waiting For You," on the July 1 weekend. The CD will be unveiled at the Prairie Oyster concert in Lac La Biche. Additional weekend entertainers include the popular Duane Steele and the Johner Brothers.
Tsuu T'ina hosts pool tourney
As we go to press, the 2nd annual Byron Dodginghorse Memorial Pool Tournament at the Tsuu T'ina arena is being held May 1-7. My personal guess and odds-on-favourite in the team category would have to go to the Edmonton foursome led by Kevin Cardinal who frequents that city's Q Club. The tourney attracts competitors from all over the province and includes players who qualify for and compete annually at the huge Wal-Mac Tournament in Vegas each spring. As was the case last year, this year's event is dedicated to Canada's living legend and local shark, Joe Big Plume.
Lord Stanley on Metis lands
The good people in and around Elk Point and Lloydminster-close to 600 of them-were treated to a truly momentous occasion April 9 when the holy grail of hockey, the Stanley Cup, visited the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement thanks to the influence of NHL defenceman Sheldon Souray and his mom, Lillian Parenteau.
Souray, who wore No. 2 for the New Jersey Devils for two years and is now No.44 with the Montreal Canadians, could not attend. However, Phil Pritchard, "keeper" of the cup at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto and Sandra Carreon with the NHL Players Association in New York accompanied the 107-year-old cup on a seven-week swing of North America to help raise cash for cancer research. Fishing Lake was its first stop.
Ben Calf powwow
May 13 is the powwow date for Ben Calf Robe School in Edmonton. The powwow happens, coincidentally, the same day as the Diabetes Road Relay Race from Slave Lake to Wabasca. The school has also set May 24 for it's annual open house.