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Economy on a roll?
Further to Tsuu T'ina First Nation's oil strike, I reported that they are pumping that valuable black gold. What I could not find out for our last issue was whether Tsuu T'ina also has "the belly" of oil on their property. In recent conversation with the band, I have been informed that, yes, they do!
The band is hosting a Valentine's Day Dance at the Seven Chiefs sportsplex on Feb. 14.
(There's also one at Poundmaker's Lodge in St. Albert. Theirs, however, is set for Saturday, Feb. 10, beginning with a pipe at 6 p.m. and the dance at 7 p.m.)
As for Tsuu T'ina's casino plans, that has yet to go to a band membership vote. In a recent telephone interview, councillor Gilbert Crowchild reported that things look promising and they are continuing discussions with their business people at this time.
Calgary gets new centre
The Calgary Native Friendship Centre reopened its doors on Feb. 3. They closed up just before the Christmas break. The reason for opening up was that they hosted a memorial round dance sponsored by Arlene Fraser in memory of her late son, Greg Smith. Greg was a boxer, who passed away a year earlier.
While on the subject of the centre, the basis for closing their doors is because they are moving into new digs. Yes, they sold the old property on 2nd Ave. and 1st Street S.W. and are moving to a new location in the northeast part of town. I hear it's a much larger building with a bigger gymnasium and more adequate parking. It's scheduled to open in mid-February.
Parking always was a huge problem as the centre was situated in the downtown area. I'm sure the poor old city is going to miss all those Aboriginal greenbacks they took off our people to pay those parking meter violations.
CFWE mourns
Late January proved a sad time for some of the crew next door in the CFWE Radio department. On Jan. 25, a former CFWE staff member, Kelvin Elvin Collins, passed away at the age of 34. "Tooley" as he was called by his friends, was a big man who was well-loved and liked. To their credit, CFWE staff attended his funeral at Goodfish Lake Cultural Centre on Jan. 31.
Tooley leaves to mourn his three loving children, Jonathon Thompson, Justice Grandjamb and Lacie Tremblay; his wife Peggy Tremblay; his mother and father Louise and Lawson; as well as two brothers and seven sisters.
I probably best remember the time Tooley and I travelled together to 100 Mile House in British Columbia to cover the stand-off between Indians and RCMP at Gustafsen Lake. And we both enjoyed singing an' pickin' a few country songs.
Our sincerest condolences go out to all the family.
Grand opening
The Lac La Biche Friendship Centre is hosting a Feb. 27, 2 p.m. grand opening of its newly renovated two-storey structure. Executive director Leah LaRose says MLA Paul Langevin is confirmed to attend, as are Lyle Donald's Metis Cultural Dancers and traditional First Nation dancer Wesley Sandfly. Hey, everyone's welcome to attend.
Ball hockey anyone?
There's another ball hockey tournament coming up in Edmonton. That money tournament, a fund-raiser for the Bent Arrow Society's Wind Dancer program, will happen March 3-4 at a location yet to be announced. Interested parties can call Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society in Edmonton for further info.