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Fiftieth wedding anniversary celebrated

Article Origin


Sweetgrass Staff, HOBBEMA







page 13

It's a milestone that few ever reach: 50 years married. Maurice and Helen Wolfe from Hobbema achieved that on Feb. 6, still happy and very fulfilled, according to their daughter Jeanette Sampson.

The couple, who have lived in Hobbema all their lives, celebrated with about 80 family and friends at the Moose Lodge in Ponoka on Feb. 3. They have 10 children. Jeanette, at 49, is the oldest, and Jason 32 is the youngest. One, Donna, lives with her parents and helps them. There are also 17 grand-children and five great-grandchildren.

Maurice and Helen knew about the celebration in their honor. Jeanette said her father was uncharacteristically vocal about it and really enjoying opening the gifts they received. She relates he said, "We should have another party."

Sampson described her parents' recipe for a good marriage: "Mom said it takes 100 per cent on both, through the good times, through the bad times and not to give up."

What they taught the children, she said, is 'to do the best you can, to be honest and (to) respect."

Maurice Wolfe is a traditionalist and a former chief who used to run the Ermineskin powwow. Today he is still a band councillor who keeps busy in the community.

His wife "really believes in God," Sampson said, and has relied on her Christian faith through sickness and hard times.

Both parents have passed on a strong work ethic to their children on the family farm. They also taught them to value education.

Sampson added that as busy youngsters they overlooked learning some of the traditional skills they need. Now the children spend a night each month with their mother who is passing on those traditions, such as how to smoke wild meat. Helen is "gifted in making things," and has been active beading, sewing, gardening and canning all her life.