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Grizzly Oil Sands ULC, Grizzly Oil Sands Inc., Ulliac Oilfield Consultants Ltd., and Jason Ulliac have been charged under Alberta’s Water Act for work undertaken on three oil sands exploration projects between December 2010 and March 2011 near Fort McMurray. These projects required the use of an approved amount of surface water to freeze access roads and to drill exploration holes. Ulliac Oilfield Consulting Ltd. and owner Jason Ulliac are charged with 10 counts under the Water Act for allegedly providing false or misleading information about the volume of water diverted from five different water sources for three projects. Another 20 counts were laid against Grizzly Oil Sands ULC, Grizzly Oil Sands Inc., Ulliac Oilfield Consultants Ltd., and Jason Ulliac. The first court appearance is set for Jan. 16 in Fort McMurray.