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The provincial government has established two Aboriginal women’s advisory councils, one of Métis members and one of First Nations members. The councils will report to the Aboriginal Relations minister and will be supported by a working group made up of senior representatives from Aboriginal Relations; Culture; Education; Enterprise and Advanced Education; Health; Human Services; and Justice and Solicitor General to address the issues they identify. Outgoing Aboriginal Relations Minister Robin Campbell said the work will hopefully result in a set of defined government priorities and recommendations by late spring 2014. After initial recommendations, the ministry will begin working with other areas of government to examine training or education programs available to address the issues. Koren Lightning-Earle, a Samson Cree councillor and president of the Indigenous Bar Association, is co-chair of the 23-member First Nations Women’s Economic Security Council, while Rachelle Venne, chief executive of the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women, is co-chair of the 13-member Métis Women's Economic Security Council. The councils will be given a budget in the Aboriginal Relations ministry and are expecting to meet at least twice annually.