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After an absence of three years, the ever-popular and successful Ben Calf Robe Powwow made a successful comeback May 13. The Ben Calf Robe Society hosted the First Annual Ben Calf Robe Society Traditional Powwow which started with a 1 p.m. Grand Entry that was emceed by Keith Lapatak.
In contrast to the former powwows of the society, this one did not involve prize money and was simply there for the enjoyment it brought. And enjoyment it did bring, as several hundred to one thousand people turned up.
The powwow also set the stage for the adoption of young Brett Rain, 6, into the Powwow Circle. Local Blackfoot Elder Francis Bad Eagle conducted the ceremony.
Later that evening, a special tribute entitled, "Honoring the Mothers," was conducted in recognition of Mother's Day. In that particular segment of the day's activities, the women performed a round dance.
Lori Ann Bearshirt, the reigning Miss Siksika, and Petie Chalifoux both entertained the audience with a fine display of hoop dancing. One would think it attracted almost every camera in the building.
To help offset its costs, the society held raffles, 50-50 sales and food sales. As well, society members and school staff and students helped work and supervise the event so the costs were borne through volunteerism.
Powwow chairwoman Bertha Twinn was thrilled with the response, and assures people that it will go ahead again next year. As for budgets, "we'll have more time to raise money for payouts next year," she stated. Although there are no payouts for dance competition, money is required to pay the drummers and singers as well as to purchase food supplies, raffle items, and give-aways.