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ACFN prepares for Jackpine Mine expansion hearings

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Compiled by Shari Narine







The hearing for Shell Oil Canada’s proposed Jackpine Mine Expansion project begins Oct. 29 in Fort McMurray and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation will be actively involved. ACFN has been fighting the proposed Jackpine Mine expansion and the Pierre River open pit mine tar sands projects for over a year. “We are rightfully concerned about how Shell’s proposed Jackpine Mine expansion project will impact and infringe our rights. Our lands and way of life are supposed to be protected by Treaty and Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act,” said ACFN Chief Allan Adam in a news release. “It’s clear Shell’s current application does not include enough information for the JRP to appropriately assess potential impacts on our rights and it’s time for both government and industry to ensure our rights are protected now and into the future.” Last November, ACFN filed suit against Shell citing breaches of past agreements and over $1.5 million in losses for the First Nation and impacts on treaty rights. The ACFN believe participation in the hearing process is critical and is a chance for the people to influence government and industry to create stronger protections for the land, the environment and the people.