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On February 8, the Aboriginal Centre for Employment Services Inc. hosted the signing of a new agreement between the Confederation of Treaty Six First Nations, the Grand Council Treaty Eight First Nations, the Metis Nation of Canada and Human Resources Development Canada. Under the new agreement, ACES will provide one-stop shopping for employment services for First Nations, Inuit and Metis people living in the Edmonton area.
ACES has been incorporated since August 1996 under the Eight Human Resources Development Board, the Metis Regional Council for Zone IV of the Metis Nation for Alberta Association and the Treaty First Nations Edmonton Management Board of the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations. It is also funded and supported by Human Resources Development Canada.
ACES has its offices in Edmonton and delivers a range of services. All are available on a walk in basis, with no appointment needed. Manager Mark Calliou described some of these services.
"We offer career counseling and placement services on both an initial and on-going basis," said Calliou. "We also have a Job Finders Club and a Life Management Course, both of which we run based on requests from clients. We can pre-screen applicants for individual labor market training initiatives based on funding criteria provided by each of the sponsoring authorities. We may add services as clients or sponsors identify changing needs."
Contact ACES at 423-2237 or are welcome to drop in at Suite 200, 10410-103 Avenue.