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The official launch of Canada's first full-service Aboriginal virtual mall took place at the Provincial Museum of Alberta on March 23. The web site introduction and virtual tour of shopping links, business links, programs and services, traditional sites and international links on a big screen was worthwhile on its own.
Additionally, however, the open house in Edmonton featured the popular White Buffalo Dancers and Drummers' traditional entertainment and a solo dance performance by Travis Dugas. Not to mention door prizes. Finally, a superior buffet-style lunch concluded the two-hour presentation involving the Aboriginal community, sponsors, speakers and media.
Founded by president Dan Martel in partnership with CSM Systems Inc., was created to promote Aboriginal products and services around the world using modern information technology. It is also meant to break the isolation of individuals and communities who are far from cities and towns.
"One of the most important goals of this new company is to provide the means for Aboriginal people to better themselves through employment and business opportunities that respect the cultural sensitivities of Aboriginal people and their traditional way of life," Martel explained.
The innovative, Aboriginal-owned, virtual mall offers Aboriginal people with internet access an instant way to connect with economic development and marketing opportunities, whether they are established large-scale entrepreneurs or individual artists and crafts people. It also provides links to Aboriginal print and broadcast media, including Alberta Sweetgrass.
"There is a social aspect as well-we can actually drive the economic development of Aboriginal communities," said Martel.