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Aboriginal hi-tech focus of demonstration

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Paul Melting Tallow, Sweetgrass Writer, Calgary







Page 19

From runners carrying pipes to the information highway in cyberspace, the way Aboriginal people communicate is rapidly changing as the 21st century approaches. John Manley, the minister of Industry, discovered the hi-tech improvements first hand in Calgary on Nov. 13.

Aboriginal entrepreneurs gave Manley and Tsuu T'ina First Nation chief and National Aboriginal Economic Development board chairperson Roy Whitney demonstrations on their high-tech computer businesses at the offices of Cree-ative Media.

The minister was meeting with Bugeye Technologies, Orb.it Technologies, Turn Around Productions and Cree-ative Media to present them with grants of up to $150,000. The money came from Aboriginal Business Canada, a Department of Industry program created in 1989, offering grants to businesses owned by members of First Nations (both status and non status), Metis and Inuit.

Cree-ative Media president, Roland Bellerose, said the presentations were an opportunity for the entrepreneurs to "show the minister the money."

"It's an opportunity to say to the minister that there are good things happening in the (Aboriginal) community," Bellerose said.

All four businesses offer services to meet a wide variety of needs from individuals seeking to market their products on the Internet to data storage for large corporations.

Bugeye offers a website featuring Aboriginal artists who are trying to sell their work in cyberspace. The Internet service not only provides the space to display their work but also offers electronic ordering for instant purchasing.

Terry Mitchell, a Metis from Saskatchewan, is the general manager of Bugeye.

"We actually incorporated in November of 1996," Mitchell said. "Since then we've been developing our software program."

Bugeye is located in Calgary but "fortunately being an Internet-based company gives us the ability to compete globally," Mitchell said.

Multimedia is not limited to marketing products on the Internet, it is totally adaptable as a teaching tool in the classroom as demonstrated by Sean Hannah president of Turn Around Productions.

Turn Around is producing software that Hannah says will revolutionize teaching methods through interactive multimedia.

Shawn Marquis, consultant for Orb.it Technologies, demonstrated the capabilities of his company's data storage services. Orb.it is based on the Tsuu T'ina Nation outside of Calgary.

Marquis stressed the importance of maintaining a business in a First Nation environment and contributing to the community. As an example of that community respect, Orb.it regularly donates money to youth activities on the Tsuu T'ina Nation.

"Significant progress has been made towards 'rebuilding the Aboriginal economy' by countless men, women and communities. It will be our challenge to work with Aboriginal Business Canada and other departments and agencies to ensure that all available resources and talent are brought to bear on continuing this momentum," Tsuu T'ina Chief Whitney said in a message published on Aboriginal Business Canada's web page.

Minister Manley said the government's commitment to Aboriginal businesses in Canada is demonstrated by the creation of Aboriginal Business Canada.

"My hope is that we will not only maintain it," Manley said. "But we'll be better able to meet the demand there is for the program which currently exceeds the supply of funds."