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Aboriginal distrust in Regina city police high

The findings of a recently-released survey on community-perception of the Regina Police Services do not surprise the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Almost 75 per cent of Aboriginal people living in the province’s capital distrust the city police. Morley Watson, FSIN Vice-Chief, takes those results further.

“I think generally because of the residential school effects across this province, I think that generally (that percentage is representative) right from one end of the province to the other,” he said.

Federal Budget: Shawn Atleo and Assembly of First Nations reaction

Web Exclusive

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo is not as critical as his regional counterparts of the federal budget that was brought down on March 29.

“It leaves room for hope,” said Atleo, although he admits that the budget – toted to hold more First Nations-specific initiatives than any other Conservative budget – isn’t everything asked for.

But Atleo said the funding that was committed is at least stable and predictable for the two or three years that it is spread out over.

On Earth Hour it was "lights out" for Senator Brazeau

March 31 - Globe and Mail

A surprising victory was won Saturday night in an Ottawa boxing ring when MP Justin Trudeau beat his opponent Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau.

By most accounts Senator Brazeau was favoured to win the bout.

But although Brazeau came out strong in the first round of the Olympic-style match on Saturday, he appeared to tire quickly. By the second round,  Trudeau was able to extend his reach and get several hits in to Mr. Brazeau and had him on the ropes. The referee stopped the match in favour of Trudeau during the third round.