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The Mayan Apocalypse: If you are reading this, we made it [column]


To quote the musical group REM, “It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine).”  And I actually do feel fine.

As I am sure you’ve heard, according to doomsday enthusiasts, the end of it all was Dec. 21 (after press deadline). This was when civilization, reality, the world, mortgage payments, Christmas specials, were all to come to an end due to some apocalyptic sneeze that nobody seems to know much about.

#IdleNoMore Chatter

Just days after Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan dismissed the #idlenomore movement as just a social media event, followers of Pope Benedict XVI enjoyed the pontiffs first ever tweet. Irony can be a scoundrel. |

First Nations in BC oppose the national First Nations education legislation

First Nations in British Columbia oppose the national First Nations education legislation as proposed by Canada in the “Developing a First Nations Education Act: Discussion Guide”. The document, which they say is intended to guide intensive consultations toward the development of a proposed First Nations Education Act, was developed without First Nation input. BC nations believe the guide indicates that Canada has already set out several mandatory components of the new legislation.

Stand united, and stand firm, said Atleo

Chiefs from the Assembly of First Nations have voted unanimously to “put the government of Canada on notice.”

The words may have been borrowed from a resolution passed by the Chiefs of Ontario, but the sentiment is shared.

After receiving direction from chiefs gathered at the Special Chiefs Assembly, Dec. 4 to 6, talks were chaired by AFN Regional Chiefs Stan Beardy and Roger Augustine.