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AFN in the way of real progress [editorial]

On April 26, 2013, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs wrote to federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt thanking him for attending a meeting of BC’s First Nations Leadership Council early that month in Coast Salish territory in Vancouver. It was a kind of back-handed thank you, however. The second line in the letter read “it appeared that you were not aware of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs’ long history, mandate and large active membership.”

Atleo: The writing was simply on the wall for years

Six theories on what led to Atleo’s fall

Shawn A-in-chut Atleo’s sudden resignation as Assembly of First Nations national chief on May 2 caught much of the country off-guard. He is the first national chief ever to throw in the towel.

For close observers of Native politics in Canada, however, long-simmering tensions in the organization muted the surprise. For such analysts, the writing was simply on the wall all along.

Bellegarde shrugs off betrayal accusation

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Perry Bellegarde is adamant that a news release he issued May 1 recommending that the FSIN not support federal First Nations education legislation is not the betrayal Grand Chief Doug Kelly of the Sto:lo Tribal Council says it was.

The day after FSIN’s news release, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo stunned everyone by stepping down from his position. It is the first time in AFN history that a national chief has resigned.

RCMP release report on murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls

Release: In late 2013, the Commissioner of the RCMP initiated an RCMP-led study of reported incidents of missing and murdered Aboriginal women across all police jurisdictions in Canada.

This report summarizes that effort and will guide Canadian Police operational decision-making on a solid foundation. It will mean more targeted crime prevention, better community engagement and enhanced accountability for criminal investigations. It will also assist operational planning from the detachment to national level. In sum, it reveals the following: