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The youth of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug are again inviting “ordinary Canadians” to live in their homes, share their lives and explore their community. They will be opening their homes to 50 Canadians from Aug. 1 to Aug. 7 at a cost of $2,900 each for the all-inclusive experience. Most Canadians know more about Third World living conditions around the globe than those plaguing First Nations communities across the country, reads a press release. Lack of awareness fosters racism and perpetuates Canada’s ongoing social injustices which deepens the divide between Canadians and Indigenous people. Kitchenuhymaykoosib Inninuwug youth want to change that. The invitation follows on the success of last year’s June Reconciliation Event in which 43 Canadians took up the chance to share the daily lives of the youth, see their connection to the land, their community spirit, their sense of humor and their way of life. “We want them to see our living conditions and the hope we still have,” said Youth Leader Justin Beardy. Those interested in joining the trip can sign up by visiting the website, or by contacting the group by Facebook 3rdWorldCanada or by Twitter @3rdWorldCanada. This project is sponsoredd by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, community advocate Josh Hellyer, the MichaÎlle Jean Foundation and Productions Cazabon.