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The arm of the Assembly of First Nations in British Columbia (BCAFN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the BC Business Council Sept. 6 which outlines an economic development partnership between First Nations and business leaders in the province.
It focuses on providing a remedy for the negative economic and social outcomes for First Nations in B.C.
Regional Chief Shane Gottfriedson and Premier Christy Clark also announced the commitment of $2.5 million over three years to support the BCAFN’s Sustainable Economic Development Strategy. The funding will support environmentally-responsible economic development as B.C. Nations develop economic opportunities.
“The British Columbia Assembly of First Nations continues to work with First Nations to develop our sustainable economic development and fiscal relations strategy, however, in order to advance reconciliation, we must continue to build bridges,” said Gottfriedson in press statement.
“It’s not my role to administer this strategy, but to help communicate, educate, and advocate for First Nations to develop as they see fit. We must work together to ensure more positive, constructive, and meaningful relationships with government and industry, and in turn, we must work together as First Nations governments to address the poverty in our communities that has sadly become commonplace. It is time for us to start managing wealth rather than administering poverty.”
Gottfriedson is also scheduled to meet with provincial Cabinet ministers this week.