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On Dec. 12, the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights
tabled a report entitled “Recognising Rights: Strengthening Off-Reserve First Nations Communities.” The report looks at the human rights of First Nations members who reside off-reserve, focusing on available federal programs, the source and nature of the rights of off-reserve First Nations people, off-reserve First Nations people’s relationships with reserve communities, their access to services, the role of friendship centres, and off-reserve First Nations women and girls. “Our report examines the rights of off-reserve First Nations people and their ability to access services. Our hope is that this report will help to generate dialogue on the important issues affecting the human rights of off-reserve First Nations band members,” said Senator Mobina Jaffer, chair of the committee. As part of its study, the committee held hearings in Ottawa and travelled across Western Canada to hear from governments, Aboriginal organizations, service providers, and individuals in Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Vancouver.