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Scholarship opens career in law


Windspeaker Staff, Ottawa







Page 15

The Department of Justice Canada is offering three-year scholarships to Metis and non-status Indians interested in attending law school starting in the 1994-95 academic year.

The scholarships are the second steps in a program designed to encourage Aboriginal students to enter the legal profession. Each year, the Program of Legal Studies for Aboriginal People offers pre-law scholarships to cover the cost of attending a summer orientation program offered by the Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, and a summer French pre-law orientation program at the University of Ottawa.

This first program is designed to help students develop strategies and techniques to deal with the pressures of law school.

In September scholarship are made available to help defray students living expenses, textbook purchases, tuition fees and other costs.

Applications for the 1994 summer pre-law program were accepted until April 1. Prospective students have until June 1, 1994 to apply for the three-year scholarship. For more information contact the Program Assistant, Legal Studies for Aboriginal People Program, Department of Justice Canada, K1A OH8. Or telephone (613) 941-0388.