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Health Minister David Dingwall and the bursary and scholarship review
board announced scholarships of $1,000 each for 1995-1996 school year.
Fifty-four students have been awarded bursaries of varying amounts. The
scholarship and bursaries were awarded as part of the Indian and Inuit
Health Careers Program.
In making the announcement, Dingwall indicated that this program plays
an important part in training young Aboriginal health professionals and
"These students have earned the unique opportunity to contribute to the
increasing autonomy of Aboriginal health services in Canada and I am
pleased that Health Canada can help them continue their education," he
Funding for the IIHCP was increased from $100,000 to $300,000 in
October , 1994, making it possible to triple the number of bursaries and
scholarships available through the program.
IIHCP was established in 1984 to increase the representation of
Aboriginal peoples in the health professions. The program was
specifically designed to encourage and support Aboriginal participation
in education opportunities leading to professional and para-professional
careers in health care.
From 1984 to the present school year, 319 students have been awarded
bursaries based on financial needs. From 1988 (the year the scholarship
component was introduced) to the present school year, 175 scholarships
have been awarded based on academic achievement.
Funding for this initiative was provided for in the February 1995
federal budget and is built into the existing fiscal framework.