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Power Engineering Magazine says a First Nations community on Vancouver Island has reliable power thanks to the connection of a new diesel/battery hybrid generating station and distribution system. The Uchucklesaht Tribe’s community of Elhlateese, accessible only by floatplane or an hour-long boat trip from Port Alberni along the Alberni Inlet, underwent upgrades as part of BC Hydro’s Remote Community Electrification Program. The community’s new electrical system went live on May 31. On July 7, a community celebration was held with an opportunity for residents to tour the new hybrid generation system. Elhlateese was formerly served solely by an old diesel generator and a single distribution line, owned by the Uchucklesaht Tribe. Citing cost, reliability, safety and convenience, the Uchucklesaht Tribe decided to transfer ownership of the electrical system to BC Hydro in 2010.
The new system has two 100 kilowatt diesel generators and a battery bank that allow the generators to run more efficiently and be turned off during low loads to reduce fuel consumption, emissions and noise. With the support of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), work was done to upgrade the distribution system, rebuild the road to the new generating station site and upgrade the wiring for each house in the community.