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The Parti Quebecois government's new bill on mining had angered First Nations. They said the Bill contravenes their rights and completely ignores issues relating to territory and resources. “The Canadian Constitution recognises the rights of the Aboriginal peoples. Whether it likes it or not, the provincial government must comply with it and fulfil its obligations,” said Chief Ghislain Picard of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec and Labrador. “The co-management and the conservation of the territory, the consultation for the accommodation of the parties and the sharing of royalties on the territories, are key issues. We will never give up on that,” he said. The province was made fully aware of the AFNQL’s concerns. They were officially presented to Quebec Premier Pauline Marois at the Summit on Territories and Resources, hosted by the AFNQL in Montreal last December. In June the Marois government agreed to pursue a harmonious, respectful and beneficial way for all concerned to cohabit on the territory and to conserve and exploit the resources. In a meeting with AFNQL, Premier Marois committed to doing things differently, and to work together with the First Nations group on finding solutions.