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Artist-Steve Rain
Album-Let It Rain
Song-Make Me Right
Label-Rain Records
Producer-Steve Rain & Rob Hewes
When a country artist is asked how they started out singing, one answer that comes to their mind is singing in church -or Gospel Music-and Steve Rain is no different.
What makes Rain different is that seven out of the 10 songs on his new CD are original compositions. The new project is called "Let it Rain," Steve Rain and Friends.
Adding the steel to "Make me right" is like adding milk to your cereal the two just go together no questions asked.
There are always a lot of songs out there that sends the message of hope or guidance and most will be able to capture those messages in "Make me Right".
Your whole perspective will change and so will your taste for gospel music after you listen to Rain's CD.
Steve Rain and Friends also offers a who's who in the Aboriginal and Canadian Country music scene. Mike Gouchie, Buddy Gouchie, Melanie Switzer and Duane Steele all offer their vocal talents on various songs on the CD. There is also a special featured guest on the cd that Rain is no doubt very proud of, Steve Rain Jr.
Not only did Rain write seven of the songs, he also managed to co-produce the cd with Rob Hewes. When listening to this CD, it is clear that this project was near and dear to Rain and is especially evident through his delivery of emotions.
Steve Rain and Friends will be one CD that you'll want to listen to with your friend's, or better yet with your family. Steve Rain will be out performing this summer with Mike Gouchie. For more information go to on Rain's Web site at