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Morning train kills Hobbema man


Windspeaker Staff







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Jason Lee Buffalo, 21, of the Samson Band in Hobbema was killed instantly after being struck by a train Saturday morning around 7:30 a.m. . The accident occurred 10 km south of Wetaskiwin.

Buffalo and some friends had run out of gas along highway 2A and he was going to his cousin's place for help when the accident occurred.

Buffalo is the son of Freda Buffalo and was brought up by his Uncle and Aunt, Frank and Florence Buffalo of Hobbema. He is survived by two brothers and two sisters.

Buffalo was to take part in a wedding at the end of August and was on his way back from Edmonton, where he was being fitted for a tuxedo.

Buffalo, who was quite active in the community, was said to be liked by many people on the reserve and that he was easy to get along with. He was also said to have many friends. The funeral services were held on July 29, in Samson with burial at the River Side Cemetary.

RCMP said a coroner's inquest will be performed sometime within the next couple of months and that the investigation into the accident continues.