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Both Milt Pahl, Alberta Native Affairs Minister, and Jenny Margetts, president of Indian Rights for Indian Women, say their meeting on February 28 was a positive one with an excellent exchange of information. Neither would elaborate on their discussions, although the meetings had been scheduled to deal with reinstated women seeking their own reserve.
Margetts said one of the concerns she did bring to Mr. Pahl was a number of people living on the Metis colonies who have indicated to her that they won't apply for status, although eligible, for fear of being asked to leave the settlements.
"These people have done a lot of work, in most cases all their lives, developing the land and building their home, becoming part of a community. I believe these people should be protected," Margetts stated.
"Mr. Pahl has assured us he will look into the matter and has appointed Harry Theisen, managing director of Native Affairs, to look at the situation and develop legislation to protect it," Margetts reported.
"The reinstated women who have been rejected by their bands or for lack of space on reserves will have to apply to the Department and Indian and Northern Affairs for a reserve," was the only comment Margetts made with regard to an earlier interview (January 27) saying the reinstated women are seeking a reserve.