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First Nation leaders will gather in Ottawa/Gatineau from Oct. 2 to Oct. 4 for a chiefs’ assembly on education where strategies will be developed to identify critical areas, such as treaty rights, jurisdiction, funding and language. “First Nations leaders established education as a key priority, with our ultimate goal being First Nations control of First Nations education,” said National Chief Shawn Atleo.
“Our direction forward must address the treaty right to education, First Nation jurisdiction over education, fairness and equity in funding and resources to support language and cultural instruction.” This gathering was called for at the last Annual General Meeting and the AFN notes that it will be organized with no government support and will be completely self-sufficient. In Budget 2012, Canada committed to explore new funding mechanisms for First Nations education and promised $275 million over three years. First Nations have documented the underfunding of First Nations education for many years now, reports the AFN. An AFN survey of more than 450 First Nation communities conducted in 2011 found that 47 per cent (or 219) First Nation communities indicated the need for a new school. Of those 219 communities, 70 per cent have been waiting more than five years for a new school and 13 per cent have been waiting for more than 20 years. “First Nation schools and infrastructures require predictable, adequate and stable funding, supported by strong First Nations systems, delivering a curriculum that respects our rights, our languages and identities and strengthens the fabric of our families and communities,” said Atleo.