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Dear Editor:
I am writing this in response to the recent negative coverage of the Native Youth Movement in some local news reports. I feel it is time that the people of Penticton realize that wrong was done to the Native people 125 years ago and it still has a fierce effect on the Native people of today.
The Native Youth Movement Security Force has evolved for protection purposes, to ensure the safety of our people when they are demonstrating for their Aboriginal rights. It was for safety's sake that they evolved, not to threaten the non-Native communities. I recently wrote a letter to Vernon's Sun Review regarding Native issues as well and I would like to share it with your community.
Calvin White is a reporter for the Sun Review and he wrote an excellent article regarding Native issues. (Sun Review, Sept. 25, page 10).
I wrote to say that it was about time that someone - someone other than a Native person - wrote about true facts. Most people in our communities do not know why Native people always seem to have issues. As White stated, we did not choose to leave our native country as some community members had. Our ancestors welcomed the "boat people"(European colonists) and in return we were abused.
We are a people of peace and do not want to cause problems for the rest of society, but when our basic rights are infringed upon and when the government misleads its people, what else are we to do but start an uprising? There is never any negative publicity when non-Natives hold blockades against the government (e.g. apple orchardists). Why are the Native demonstrations always labeled as wrong?
White was right on target when he stated that this was just the beginning. My people have been struggling with the government and an uneducated society since the first set of boat people decided to settle on our land.
What my people are doing is not acting, but reacting to torture and terror that has been bestowed upon us for generations. The government thought they could use Natives as test subjects (e.g. the centralization of Nova Scotia's Mi'kmaqs). They thought they could eradicated the First Nation people( e.g. disease infested "peace" offerings) or simply breed them out (fur traders being "allowed" by the government to have Native wives and thus taking the women's status away).
Alas, we have not died, we still continue the struggle and with my generation being one of the most educated and vocal in history, you can be sure that we are only going to get smarter and louder. The Native Youth Movement Security Force is the start and protection for the First Nation people. The Native Youth Movement Security Force is hard working, young mothers, fathers and students who realized that a fight has to be fought. Everyone of us as First Nations people are participating. Some are politicians, some are speakers or teachers and some are soldiers - all are warriors. All are crucial to the struggle.
Marial Belanger
Penticton Indian Band