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Nine First Nations students attending university or college in Canada
have won educational awards through the Royal Bank's Native Student
Awards Program.
Five students will receive $4,000 annually for their educational
expenses to a maximum of four years at university or two years at
college, in disciplines relevant to the banking industry. Winners are
Cheryle Chagnon and Dee Green from Calgary; Chad Garlow and Jody Hill
from the Six nations Reserve in Ohsweken, Ont.; and Adele Robertson of
Jonquiere, Que.
Four additional students will receive a one-time special achievement
award of $1,000 each in honor of the launch of the 1995 Sacred Assembly
by Elijah Harper. Winners are Jeff Blais of Lake Francis, Man.; Andy
Dales of Indian Head, Sask.; Paul Michael of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; and
Karol Pilsner of Moose Jaw, Sask.
All status Indians, non-status Indians, Inuit or Metis are eligible to
apply. An independent committee of Native academics reviews all
application and makes its final selections based on each student
personal and academic achievement, as well as individual financial need.
In addition, recipients who indicate an interest in pursuing a banking
career are considered for summer and post-graduate employment at the
Royal Bank.
"The Royal Bank Native Student Award Program is a concrete example of
how corporations can positively impact the future success of our people"
said Corinne Mount Pleasant-Jette of the Faculty of Engineering and
Computer Science, Concordia University, and a member of the selection
"By launching this program, the Royal Bank is investing in the future
of our young people, focusing on a pool of qualified potential employees
and also demonstrating its commitment to the importance of
post-secondary education."
The program was launched in 1992 to help Native students achieve
post-secondary education, and provides an opportunity for Royal Bank to
strengthen its relationship with the Native community. Interested
candidates may obtain information brochures by writing: Royal Bank
Native Study Awards, Human Resources; Head Office, 123 Front St. W. 7th
Floor, Toronto, Ont. M5J 2M2.