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Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo expressed his support for the construction of all-weather roads to improve accessibility to and from remote First Nation communities, urging all levels of government to work with First Nations to ensure appropriate measures are taken when ice roads are not available. “Northern First Nation communities that rely on ice roads for supplies over the winter months only become more vulnerable with mild winter weather,” said Atleo. “We support calls by First Nation leadership in Manitoba and Ontario for the construction of all-weather roads and other approaches that work for First Nations that better ensure transportation of food, fuel and other essential supplies and services year round.” Chiefs from Manitoba declared a state of emergency when above normal temperatures over a few weeks delayed winter road construction in the region. Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. (MKO) Grand Chief David Harper and a group of remote First Nation communities in northern Manitoba cited climate change and government inaction, calling for the federal government and Manitoba to work with First Nations to develop a contingency plan.