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Think you know about being Native/Aboriginal/Indigenous/First Nations/Indian (better known as a NAIFNI)? Or maybe you know somebody who's an annoying know-it-all? What better way to put yourself and your friends to the test? After all, it's better to know you're a know-it-all than to just think you're a know-it-all! It's better than nothing at all.
If you score 12 or more, then you get an "A" for Aboriginal Effort. Ten or more, "B" for Better than average. If you score an eight or more, then you get a "C" for Could do better than most. Four or more gets you a "D" for Do more work. Anything less gets you an "E" for Education (as in "the need for more . . .")
1) What was the original name for the Assembly of First Nations before it was changed back in the early 80s?
2) What was the name of the Native actor who played Jesse Jim on the Canadian television classic, the Beachcombers?
3) What Native language is the name "Canada" derived from?
4) The Northwest Territories was divided into two separate regions - one called Nunavut. What is the name of the other territory?
5) In what province were the Beothuk Indians exterminated in the 1800s?
1) In what fictional community does Tomson Highway's The Rez Sisters and Drylips Oughta Move to Kapiskasing take place?
2) What was the name of the "Indian" character in the other classic Canadian television show, The Forest Rangers?
3) Which of these nations is not one of the Dene - the Dogrib, Slavey, Chipawyan, Carrier?
4) What year was Louis Riel hanged for treason?
5) What year was Bill C-31 officially passed by Canada's Parliament?
1) In reference to the answer of question one of the easy catagory, who was responsible for establishing that organization way back in 1967?
2) What was the name given to the Indigenous people by the Vikings when they first landed in Atlantic Canada a thousand years ago?
3) What does the word "Kashtin" actually mean?
4) What was the name of the "Indian" in the disco group, The Village People?
5) What well-known American tribe has a language exceedingly similar to the Dene's?
1. Nat'l Indian Brotherhood
2. Pat John
3. Iroquoian
4. NorthWest Territories
5. Newfoundland
1. Wasaychigan Hill
2. Joe Two Rivers
3. Carrier
4. 1885
5. 1985
1. George Manuel
2. Skraelings
3. Tornado
4. Felipe
5. The Navajo (who call them selves the Dine)