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The Cree Land Mini-Mart operating on Regina's urban reserve land and owned by Piapot First Nation has opened its doors to a new SaskTel store kiosk.
The SaskTel kiosk store is now operating in the Cree Land Mini-Mart location as part of a three month trial, which is scheduled to end January 31st, 2010.
"It is difficult to know exact numbers of First Nations people that have accessed mobile services at the new kiosk," said Tracey Lang, Manager of Consumer Sales.
"But the kiosk has proven to be very successful with a high volume of both First Nation/Non-First Nation customers".
The opening of the Cree Land Mini-Mart as a business venture on the urban reserve has led to an opportunity for positive economic growth for the First Nation community and has set an example for development on urban reserves.
Partnering with SaskTel can also be viewed as positive growth and relationship building within the community of Regina.
It portrays a trend of continued economic prosperity for the Cree Land Mini-Mart and a significant opportunity for Sasktel to reach out to a growing and influential population.
Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour, the Honourable Rob Norris also told a CANWEST news source that he sees urban reserve business development as the way of the future, and that it "creates more employment and economic prosperity for the people of Saskatchewan".
According to Lang, the partnership can be viewed as positive growth for both the Piapot First Nation and SaskTel.
"The Cree Land Mini-Mart arrangement stands as an example of SaskTel's continuing corporate focus on partnerships and finding new opportunities to reach key customer groups," said Lang.
"The access to a larger customer base along with a considerable First Nations presence were instrumental in selecting the Cree Land Mini-Mart as a kiosk location".
Lang also reports that there have been a handful of customers requesting SaskTel to expand its commercial services in Regina.
This request was influential in partnering with the Cree Land Mini-Mart along with the constant aspiration to increase access of SaskTel services to diversified customer segments.
The Cree Land Mini-Mart location permits SaskTel to achieve expanding their customer base and providing more services in the city.
The partnership will be reassessed after the three month trial has ended in February 2010, at that time, future plans will be prepared for a potential extension of services.