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Metis Rendezvous Day celebrates Louis Riel

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R John Hayes, Sage Writer, Prince Albert







Page 5

This year's Metis Rendezvous Day at the Prince Albert Indian-Metis Friendship Centre saw continued growth in the popular event. More than 200 people attended the evening celebration of Metis culture, held on the 11th anniversary of the death of Louis Riel, Nov. 16.

"Everything went off beautifully," said friendship center program director Rose Henry. "We may even be looking for a larger facility for next year; this year was a little crowded at the friendship center."

The events of the weekend actually started the day before, as veterans from the Royal Canadian Legion, the Army and Navy Veterans and the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, or ANAVETS, marched through Memorial Square to raise the Metis flag over city hall. Veteran Max Lucier, who was to turn 84 on Louis Riel Day, raised the flag to kick off the festivities.

"The city declared Saturday to be Louis Riel Day," Henry said. "The ceremonies are a commemoration of his death, and that's what we celebrate. We have had a lot of other ideas, but we're limited to the four hours or so of time that we have for the event. We don't have any extra time to add."

"It just turned out great. Any time you have a cultural celebration, it draws people like honey," said Louis Dorion, who won two competitions on the day: the men's traditional dress competition and the 19- to 54-year-old men's jigging. I went away very happy-we all did-and this was a great day."

Dorion also said that the crowded friendship center was full to capacity, and joined his voice to those suggesting that a larger venue will be required next year.

"I guess we may have to look at it," agreed June Anderson, chairperson of the Metis Rendezvous Committee. "I felt great about this year's event. I find that the young people are participating in it in a more cultural way."

Anderson chaired a committee which included Dorion, Henry, Roberta Burns, Frances Lafontaine and Bernice Sayese.

They arranged the program, which began at 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 16 with the entrance of a Metis veterans color party to the friendship center.

Following the singing of the Metis national anthem by Sheryl Kimberly, master of ceremonies Paul Daigneault had Metis Elder Marcel Gerard say grace before a meal of stew and bannock.

After supper, the program began with opening remarks of John Dorion, president of the friendship center; followed by Greythal Adams representing the City of Prince Albert; Jimmy Durocher, president of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan; and Janice Henry representing the Metis National Council of Women. Federal Minister of State for Youth and Training Ethel Blondin-Andrew was the final speaker before the entertainment took over.

The Metis all-star band, consisting of Dennis and Dale Adams, Alvin Parenteau and Jason Ross, played a song, and then the Northern Lights Square Dancers from Muskoday strutted their stuff for the crowd.

A song by Sheryl Kimberly was followed by a talk by Leah Dorion of Saskatoon, in which she celebrated the contribution made by Aboriginal veterans.

The Bells of Batoche Square Dancers from Debden then took to the stage, followed by the best Metis traditional dress competition. Louis Dorion won the adult male category and Marlene Ouellette won the adult female competition.

Bernice Thall than sang two songs and a loudest-clap jigging contest was held, with different categories for various age levels. The golden age male category was captured by Max Lucier, to celebrate his birthday in style.

"The jigging was the highlight of the day," Anderson said. "It seems that it's for culture not competition; it wasn't for big stakes or for points. That meant that enthusiasm was the main thing, and the enthusiasm was great."

Metis Rendezvous Day started out in 1993 with speakers and workshops, but wasn't a great success until it became a one-evening, entertainment event.