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To the Editor:
It was with great anticipation that I read the article “Election time means taking responsibility” on page 5 of the January issue of Sage, only to be disappointed that columnist Jeff McCallum only dealt with the election of Chief and Councils.
As important as that is, it is equally important to vote in provincial and federal elections. The responsibilities associated with all elections ensures ones’ democratic rights.
One need only look around the world to see what happens when people choose not to vote or are not even given a vote, such as in Haiti and Egypt.
I don’t think First Nations People recognize the power they have in voting in provincial constituencies and federal ridings. If every First Nations person voted there could be a change in representation from one party or another.
With the increasing population of First Nations people, it will become even more important that you exercise your right to vote.
Why should you vote in a provincial election? Because you live here, are affected by issues including water, land, environmental usage. Had the Wall government put stipulations on the white people to limit something (like they did to cigarettes for First Nations), there would have been an uproar.
So First Nations people need to fight for their cultural usage of cigarettes. As much as I am opposed to cigarette smoking, it is not for me to judge about your cultural practices. However I do wonder what the First Nations peoples did before tobacco (no tobacco grown in prairies) and cigarettes?
Why should you vote in a federal election? That probably doesn’t need an answer as most of you must know your Nation is dealing with the Federal Nation and how it affects you.
If all Canadians do not exercise their voting privileges, is it any wonder we almost have a dictatorship under Harper?
Marcella Pedersen
Cut Knife