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Lavallee clan enjoys August reunion

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Carole D. Lavallee, Sage Writer, Crooked Lake







Page 6

Hundred of relatives--some 800 in all--converged on Crooked Lake with their tents and camp stoves, trailers, campers and recreation vehicles to take part in the Lavallee family reunion.

Letters of invitation for the Gathering of the Lavallee Clan were sent out by the reunion committee and the response from family members was overwhelming. They cam prepared to get acquainted with relatives they didn't know and to have fun at the reunion held Aug. 2 to 4.

Crooked Lake is located in the scenic Qu'Appelle Valley in southeastern Saskatchewan. It is the home of the Lavallee clan. It represents their collective roots.

The reunion committee organized, planned and conducted a flurry of fundraising activities which began in September, 1995. In total, they raised $3,175 which covered the expenses incurred by the reunion. This gigantic undertaking required a lot of personal commitment by the committee members.

The reunion featured special events which focused on the families' roots and identity. An old-fashioned dance was held as well as a raffle, auction and spot dance which provided the relatives with loads of fun and laughter.

The committee hired the services of a professional photographer.

Two young relatives, Dana and Jessie Laframboise, were introduced to the relatives at the dance. They are the 1996 junior boxing champions. They are the sons of Les Laframboise of Regina, who said the boys started boxing when they were about 10 years old.

One of the essential ingredients to successful reunion is the master of ceremonies. This duty was performed by the former chief of Cowessess First Nation, Terry W. Lavallee, the great-grandson of old Michel Lavallee.

And what is a reunion report without some words about the food? The committee purchased turkeys and hams for the banquet and local relatives cooked them up. All relatives were asked to bring a potluck dish which resulted in a mountain of food being provided.

This is the second Lavallee reunion. The first was a one-day celebration held three years ago. It came about out of concerns over the number of Elders that were passing on; the knowledge they took with them; the tendency to meet and visit with relatives only at funerals; and the high numbers of young people who did not know their family roots.

This initial reunion brought close to 100 relatives to meet, on very short notice. Family photos and sharing memories made for lively discussion. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and concluded the day with a request for another reunion, but one with more notice!

The relatives have decided that the next reunion will be held in 1998 at the same location and same time--the August long weekend in Crooked Lake.